Monday, September 3, 2012

FIGHT AGAINST INCAPABILITY Although I belong to the so called educated and intellectual loght, at the end of the day for a common man I am an incapable citizen. Yesterday I got to take the Indigo flight from Hyderabad to Delhi scheduled departure at 1940HRS. I reached the Rajeev Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad at 1800HRS and headed to the Indigo counter guided by a gentleman from the entrance of the airport. Once I gave my ticket to the man behind the counter he asked me if I needed assistance to board the aircraft. I replied “yes” as usual practise and told him that I had web checked in and blocked seat D26 which is an isle seat. He took my ticket and told me that I will be given a seat in the front row... I insisted and repeated that “I have web checked” and my seat is D26 which is a isle seat. To my surprise, he responded that as you need special care we will allot you a seat in the first row, and asked me if I wanted the window, middle or isle seat in the front row. I was shaken and realised that in this free nation my choice is only limited to the first row. “As a traveller I have no right to use the web check in facility and choose my own seat like others” am I incapable??? Began to question myself “do I need special care???” I decided to fight??? I insisted that I need the aisle seat but not in the front row. The man behind the counter was persistent and said that he can offer only the first row and “it was for my own benefit” where the air hostess will take care of me?? I responded, “I know my benefits and my requirements” and he need not tell me. Also showed him a boarding card issued by indigo where they had given 7D isle seat in my previous journey. The struggle went on for few minutes and then he had to give up. I then came down to saying that I need an isle seat for sure but could be given in the first 3 seats. Then he indigently looked up and said that the second row is a window seat, the third row has an isle seat and blocked me to 3C. I told him courteously that I travel alone and had reached the airport on my own and will not need much assistance in the aircraft. Particularly the “special care”. I respect his views and also assured him not to put all persons with disabilities in the same box in his head, as people are unique and some might need that support As he was handing over my boarding card he stood up and said “sorry” I replied “sorry” is a dirty word and this is what the English has left back in the country for people like you who constantly harass disabled people. I shook his hand and bid best regards and good evening for his good public relations skills. As I walked through the security gate I wondered, did I get special care when I travelled alone in the train last night from Bangalore to Hyderabad in the second class sleeper??? Did I get special care when I travelled alone on the bus from my friend’s house in north Hyderabad to the airport??? Whatever it is just because I am blind; I am “incapable and need special care” so say the society.